КАФДАВ-ым Тхыгъэ зэпеуэ ирегъэк1уэк1

КАФДАВ-ым Тхыгъэ зэпеуэ ирегъэк1уэк1
КАФДАВ-ым Тхыгъэ зэпеуэ ирегъэк1уэк1КАФДАВ (Кавказ Щ1эныгъэ, Културэ, Зыдэ1эпыкъуныгъэ Фонд)-ым, Кавказ лъэпкъхэр Урыс Кавказ Зауэм яужк1э я хэкум къыщырахум щыгъуэ ц1ыхухэм ящхьэ къырик1уахэм теухуауэ зэпэуэ ирегъэк1уэк1. Зэпэуэм зитхылъ нэхъыф1у къыхахыну япэреи тхыгъэ 6-р зытхахэр ахъшэк1э ягъэгуф1энущ.
Ахъшэ ятынухэр мыхуэдизщ,
Япэреим 5,000.00 TL / $ 2,800.00
Ет1уанэм 3,000.00 TL / $ 1,680.00
Ещ1анэм 1,500.00 TL / $ 840.00
Епл1анэм 750.00 TL / $ 420.00
Етхупнэмрэ, Еханэмрэ 500.00 TL / $ 280.00
Within the frame of the 2012 schedule of KAFDAV Scientific Committee; KAFDAV announces a Historical Memory and Short-Story” contest, offering prizes and open to any contestants from the Caucasus and all the countries where Circassians live. The aim of the contest is to enrich the archives of our Research Centre whose library entries have already exceeded 7200, important incidents experienced by our ancestors during and after the exile to be remembered, to compile at least the remaining ones and to publish them.
Topic of the Contest: Narration of an incident provable by documents and/or photographs, long with the information indicating the date of narration, the narrator, the date of recording and the recorder. The narration can be of an incident which took place during the time of leaving the villages in the motherland starting from the very beginning of the historical Circassian Exile; on the coasts of the Black Sea in the Caucasus, during the journey to the Ottoman lands, while waiting at the seaports or the campsites, while transporting to and settling at final destinations, during the foundation of the new settlements, in the relations with the local people or the government officials during the first few years of resettlement, during the 1977-78 Ottoman-Russian War, Balkan Wars, The First World War and the Turkish War of Independence, and the first 25 years of the Republic of Turkey.
Prizes: Top six finishers will be offered plates and prizes while all the contestants will be given “certificate of participation”.
First Prize 5,000.00 TL / $ 2,800.00
Second Prize 3,000.00 TL / $ 1,680.00
Third Prize 1,500.00 TL / $ 840.00
Fourth Prize 750.00 TL / $ 420.00
Fifth and Sixth Prizes 500.00 TL / $ 280.00
* Dollar amounts are approximate calculations.
Deadline and Submission: Participants have to send their submissions in an enclosed envelope to KAFDAV headquartered at “Mithatpaşa Cad. Arzu Apt. Kat:2, No:58/3 Kızılay-ANKARA” until 25 September 2012, 17:00. Only the evaluation committee will be authorized to open the enclosed envelopes of submission. Envelopes should be noted “For the Historical Memory-Short Story contest” in order for your envelope not to be opened by mistake.
Length and copyrights of the works: Contestants will submit their scripts to the headquarters of KAFDAV in two (2) copies along with a digital version in Turkish and/or English languages no less than five (5) and no more than fifteen (15) computer printed pages typed in Times New Roman font style at eleven (11) font size. Works, without regard to be the winner or not, will not be returned to the writer and KAFDAV will hold any kind or rights to publish and use.
Jury and Judgement: All the works submitted to the headquarters of KAFDAV until the deadline will be judged by the following jury members listed in name order chaired by Prof. Dr. Sabri TEKİR in two stages:
ALANKUŞ Sevda (Prof.Dr. Communications)
ERMEMİŞ Faruk ( Dr. Publisher)
GÜNGÖR Fethi (Yrd.Doç.Dr. Sociology)
HUVAJ Fahri (Lawyer - Researcher, Writer)
KANBOLAT Hasan (Expert on Caucasus)
ÖNER Çetin (Novel-Short Story Writer and Poet)
ÖZBAY Özdemir (Lawyer – Researcher, Writer)
ÖZVERİ Adnan (Children’s Story Writer)
PAPŞU Murat (Researcher – Expert on Caucasus)
TEKİN Fazıl (Prof.Dr. Business Administration)
TURAN Ömer (Prof.Dr. ODTÜ History)
UĞURLU Yücel (Prof.Dr. Law)
ÜNLÜ Erden (Prof.Dr. Social Works)
ÜSTÜN Hulusi (Lawyer – Short Story Writer)
YILDIR Erol (Doç.Dr. Arts - Writer)
Caucasian Research, Culture And Solidarity Foundation
Mitatpaşa Cad. 58/3 Kıılay / ANKARA
Tel: 0 312 419 73 30 Fax: 0 312 419 73 56
Serap Önal Kara
0 543 456 47 61
Murat Duman
0 532 404 66 46